🎄 H A P P Y 🎄 N E W 🎄 Y E A R 🎄

Anti-Racism Charter

As archaic as it sounds to me in 2023, racism still exists in almost every sector and pocket of society. To me I cannot understand how this is still a 'thing' that exists.

    Therefore, we must acknowledge how it manifests and take action to address the negative impacts it can have on ourselves, our colleagues, and the communities we work with. The power dynamics through every sector in society can reinforce power structures and systems that grew through colonisation. We must recognise this, and work with our partners openly and honestly to address racism.

    The Welsh Government’s Wales and Africa programme, for example seeks to increase solidarity and partnership globally. It is not enough to be "non-racist"; we should move forward to be an actively anti-racist society, ensuring we don’t perpetuate racist behaviours and systems when working with racialized communities, in Wales and beyond.

    Via Hub Cymru Africa I was made aware of this charter from the 'Welsh Centre for International Affairs' in the Temple of Peace in Cardiff, which is actually aimed at small charities and community groups based in Wales who work internationally, in particular with partner NGOs and community groups in Sub-Saharan Africa, on development or solidarity projects and activities.

    However I believe it's important for me to post it, here, in connection with my business... to remind everyone and encourage all groups and individuals who liaise in anyway with my business that anti-racial behaviour is ANY FORM will NOT be tolerated. I literally have zero-tolerance and you will be called out on it publicly. This extends to comments on social media posts as well as behaviour or verbal comments in any form in any of my business premise'.

    If you consider yourself having the belief that people who belong to other races, countries, colour... are not as good, intelligent, moral, etc. as people who belong to your own race - you are not welcome.

    I have pledged in agreement with the following statements and if you are or you know any other business or organisation that you believe should sign-up too please forward them this information:

    1. We commit to addressing racism. It is everyone’s problem, not the burden of a single group of people alone, and ending it is beneficial to all

    2. We will use our positions to challenge racism where we see it, think critically about the racist structures we unknowingly uphold, and dismantle them

    3. We will work in a manner which recognises and prioritises in-country expertise and knowledge to lead our work and support this with an equitable pay structure

    4. We will commit to taking ownership of developing our own deeper understanding of the issues of racism and how they impact our thinking

    5. We are an organisation that welcomes critical feedback, with a view to learning and improving our work. We will act without defensiveness or negative repercussions for those highlighting racist or colonial practices and create accountability mechanisms within our work

    6. We will review all of our policies regularly, with an anti-racist and intersectional lens and seek expert help when needed

    7. We commit to actively improving the diversity of our boards, teams and volunteers to achieve more informed and equitable decision-making

    8. We will adopt appropriate and thoughtful language, storytelling and images. We recognise that they have meaning, can cause harm and can reinforce racism

    9. We will ensure all work takes a social justice approach, to promote the self-sufficiency of all partners including equity in opportunities

    10. We will always promote sustainability (Social, Human, Economic and Environmental) in our work, and partnerships

    11. We will consider the wider global injustices in our work and consider the negative impact of our actions on the climate and environment and mitigate them, acknowledging that the people with the lowest carbon footprint are the ones that feel the greatest impact

    12. We will commit to involving our partners, board, volunteers and broader audience in our work on this charter.

    Further reading: http://hubcymruafrica.wales/get-involved/anti-racism-charter/