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Why does vegan food cost more than regular?

Because of industrial farming where animals are reared in vast numbers (and each life is worth so little). Because of subsidies. Because it costs so little to trash the planet and much more to protect it. But mostly because the meat and animal produce industry is vast while most small vegan food producers are just starting out. One of our key aims is to get the price down so it has parity with animal meat and produce. Until then, thank you for supporting us and helping us grow.

What's the difference between vegan and plant-based?

A growing number of people are choosing to reduce or eliminate animal products in their diet. As a result, a larger selection of plant-based options have become noticeable at grocery stores, restaurants, public events, and fast food chains. Some people choose to label themselves as “plant-based,” while others use the term “vegan” to describe their lifestyle. As such, you may wonder what the differences between these two terms are.  Veganism expanded to include a diet that excluded animal-derived foods, such as eggs, meat, fish, poultry, cheese, and other dairy products. Instead, a vegan diet includes plant foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Over time, veganism grew into a movement based not only on ethics and animal welfare but also environmental and health concerns, which have been validated by research.

Being plant-based typically refers specifically to one’s diet alone. Many people use the term “plant-based” to indicate that they eat a diet that either entirely or mostly comprises plant foods. However, some people may call themselves plant-based and still eat certain animal-derived products. Others use the term “whole foods, plant-based” to describe their diet as being made up of mostly whole plant foods that are raw or minimally processed. Someone on a whole foods, plant-based diet will also avoid oils and processed grains, whereas these foods may be consumed on a vegan or otherwise plant-based diet. The “whole foods” part is an important distinction, as so many processed vegan foods exist. For instance, certain varieties of boxed mac and cheese, hot dogs, cheese slices, bacon, and even “chicken” nuggets are vegan, but they would not fit on a whole foods, plant-based diet.

Why would you want to replicate eating animal meat if you are vegan?

It’s not the taste of chicken vegans object to. It’s the industrial farming, slaughterhouses, climate impact, pollution, forest destruction and loss of wildlife associated with it. It tastes just fine.... that's why we want to replicate it with nothing needing to die.

Why do you call it “chicken” and “meat” when it isn’t?

We call it the the same because it tastes like the animal meat but is 100% vegan. This helps people know what they are buying, and how to cook and serve it. As for the word “meat”, we use it in the same way people talk about the flesh of fruits or vegetables when they mean the soft edible parts. But there’s no need to get bogged down in semantics. It tastes great and is kinder to animals and planet. Call it whatever you like. But you should definitely try it.

But... I could never give up on cheese!

I could never give up cheese neither.... There’s no doubt cheese tastes delicious, but the process of making cheese (warning: graphic), is often enough to deter people to consume it. Why not try many nutritious cheese alternatives that are made from nuts and will provide you some yummy vegan protein?

Do you realize you are still contributing to animal suffering?

The goal of eating plant-based isn’t to be perfect or pretend to be. It’s quasi impossible to be fully vegan. I bought an old car with leather seats – that’s not vegan. The money sitting in my bank is most likely being invested into fossil fuel and industrial farming – that’s not vegan. But I control what I can as much as possible. It turns out it’s possible to greatly reduce the demand for animal meat while being healthier – and that’s what’s great about veganism.

But... vegan diets lack nutrients!

Quite the opposite; eating plant based will motivate you to diversify your food therefore getting much much nutrients! There are maaany very interesting podcasts, articles in that regard. Many explains how plant-based food lead to healthy blood vessels which is the key to preventing most diseases.

I tried vegan food once but I didn’t feel or taste good.

Many people make the mistake of going vegan for 100% or only for one day or even only 1 week... by simply cutting dairy and meat from their diet. There’s a way to approach veganism and I’d suggest going at your own pace. Start replacing meat by a vegan protein once a week or even twice and trying different products. For example, if you like chicken nuggets, try tofu nuggets instead! There’s also an art to combining food. For example, iron absorption is different for vegans. Check out this article about iron dense food and their absorption.

What will happen with all the animals if we stop eating them?

This won't happen overnight... plus if we stop (or even just reduce!!!) eating animals, or consuming dairy at the current quantity we do, we won’t need to produce them like we currently do. We are also starting to see movements helping farmers switching to the production of vegan products.

What will happen to all the farmers who raise cattle for meat? They'll be out of a job.

By boycotting animal products, it is argued, we are taking away the jobs of farmers and potentially putting the whole economy at risk, since it relies so heavily on animal agriculture. It must be acknowledged that to some extent, this argument is based on truth. In the short term, by boycotting animal products vegans may have an impact on the profits of farmers, and indeed, given the harm farmers inflict upon animals and the environment, many vegans see this as a positive result. However, even the most optimistic vegan does not believe that the whole world will go vegan overnight and that we will be in a position where farmers are suddenly out of work. As demand for animal products decreases, demand in other areas of the market increases, after-all, people will be replacing animal products with other foods. As with any market shift, it is up to suppliers of the no longer required products to adapt. The implication of the economic argument seems to be that just because a particular product gives people jobs, that means we should continue to support it. We could make an equally convincing argument for supporting war and guns on this basis, since the arms industry is a multi-billion dollar enterprise employing millions of people. The same could be said about large pharmaceutical companies, or the tobacco industry which keeps many farmers, packers and sellers in jobs. While it may be true that much of our economy is built on animal agriculture, it is important to note that the economy of the western world was in no small part built on the backs of slaves. That is not to say that animal agriculture and slavery are the same or even comparable, but it is at the very least noteworthy that this very same argument was used against slavery abolitionists at the time. It goes without saying that these warnings proved false; it is an economic fallacy to assume that because this is how the economy is now, that any alteration will have negative consequences.

Do you miss eating meat?

Most often, people like meat because of the seasoning or texture. It’s possible to recreate those 2 elements in a plant-based kitchen.

I only eat free-range eggs and humanely raised meat.

Sadly, unless you have chickens running free in your backyard, this is most likely just marketing. “Happy eggs” just don’t exist. especially as most "free range chickens" are still forced to reproduce (literally raped by a machine)

But animals eat each other. It’s the law of nature.

Thankfully we don’t make our daily decisions based on animal behaviors, that’d be terrible! We aren’t animals.. thankfully we’re humans and can think with human-based logic.

Humans are designed to eat meat. We even have teeth for that!

Many articles say so, many articles say the opposite. The truth is that it’s possible – at any age – to thrive on a plant-based diet. And by doing so, we enhance our health, reduce animal suffering and our ecological foot print… check out this article: https://karrysdeli.com/blogs/news/https-freefromharm-org-photo-galleries-9-reasons-your-canine-teeth-dont-make-you-a-meat-eater

Why aren’t vegans skinny if all you eat is "plants"?
Hamburgers, pizza, Oreo cookies, chips, pastas, cake; these can all be vegan. Some vegan people eat healthy, some don’t. Being vegan isn’t always about eating healthy. Eating a plant centric diet is.

What about B12?

Check out this article about vitamin B12 on a plant-based diet. Also try adding Nutritional Yeast to your meals - it's not too difficult and in fact you might become positively addicted :) Buy it here: https://karrysdeli.com/search?q=Marigold+nutritional+yeast